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Will My Eyes Look Bigger After Eyelid Surgery?

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Your eyes are a central part of your face. But if you don’t love how your eyes look, especially if they appear small due to excess skin on top of or around your eyes, that can make you feel less confident in how you look and feel. Fortunately, there’s a solution. At VIP Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Kenneth D. Farr, board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon, helps patients in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC achieve bigger, brighter, more beautiful eyes with eyelid surgery.

No one should be unhappy with how their eyes look. Here’s how eyelid surgery – also known as an eyelid lift – can help you get rid of saggy, droopy eyes.

What is an eyelid lift?

Reduce and rejuvenate – that’s the goal of an eyelid lift. If you have excess or drooping skin around your eyes, you know the frustration of feeling like your eyes are too small.

Formally known as blepharoplasty, an eyelid lift is an eyelid surgery that gets rid of excess skin and rejuvenates the appearance of your upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. On their own or together, Dr. Farr can help patients in Hilton Head, SC achieve eyes that appear bigger and more appealing with eyelid surgery.

How does an eyelid lift work?

Depending on your eyelid surgery, you’ll either be given general anesthesia or IV sedation to make the procedure more comfortable.

Upper eyelid surgery gets rid of loose and excess skin on your upper eyelid, creating a more appealing eyelid. To remove the skin, an incision point is made along the lash line or the natural crease of your eye.

Lower eyelid surgery is done to reduce puffy skin underneath your eyes. Usually, an incision is made just below your lash line. First, small pockets of fat are removed. Then, the skin is lifted to create a smoother look.

Eyelid lifts can take up to two hours, depending on whether you are getting upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or both.

What are the benefits of an eyelid lift?

Whether from age, genetic abnormalities, cosmetic imperfection, or other issues, there are many reasons you might be unhappy with the appearance of your eyes.

Fortunately, eyelid surgeries address a wide range of concerns, including:

  • Hanging upper eyelids

  • Droopy or heavy eyelids

  • Wrinkled eyelids

  • Extra skin on eyelids

  • Extra skin under eyelids

  • Bulging fat under eyes

  • Puffiness under eyes

  • Vision problems that are a result of sagging eyelids

After your eyelid lift, you’ll be able to enjoy bigger-looking, more appealing eyes.

What should I expect after an eyelid lift?

After your surgery, you should plan to take it easy for several days. Use ice packs to reduce swelling, bruising, and discomfort.

One of the major benefits of eyelid surgery is that it’s long-lasting. The results may last a decade or longer. However, aging still occurs, so it’s important to maintain your skin health by keeping your skin moisturized, avoiding sun exposure, and not smoking. You may also want to enhance your outcomes with other facial rejuvenation treatments at VIP Cosmetic Surgery, such as chemical peels or fillers.

Achieve bigger eyes with eyelid surgery in Hilton Head, SC

Younger-looking, bigger eyes will help you feel more confident and happy with your appearance. At VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC, Dr. Kenneth D. Farr helps patients achieve the look – and eyes – they’ve always wanted. Make an appointment for a consultation today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.